Thursday, March 25, 2010

World Bank, Universal Problem

I feel that poverty shouldn't exist because it can easily solved by sharing the resources of the world. We discovered through this article of Jeffrey Sachs, that extreme poverty still exist in the world, about 1.4 billion people live below the poverty line of $1.25 a day. Though there are many organizations helping those who affected by poverty, such as the World Bank, who loan money to those countries affected by devastation, there should be a international effort to end poverty. The World Bank collects data from over 70 countries in order to form a global opinion of poverty. The World Bank defines extreme poverty as "not only having unsatisfied material needs. Its is often accompanied by a degrading state of powerlessness." (world bank definition) People who are in poverty fall into a poverty trap in which the people cannot escape the pull of poverty, and thus is inherited into the newer generations. The difference between poverty and extreme poverty is that extreme poverty includes not having enough income to meet your most basic needs. These people have nothing to show for their lives but bare survival. In 2005 13,500 people were infected with AIDS everyday, 22,000 die from extreme poverty/ preventable diseases, and about 850 million people go to bed hungry everyday. Many of these things are preventable such as malaria by buying bednets for about $7 that last for about 5 years. As a global community we can solve the universal crisis called poverty.

Pic source:
Info from Singer,P The life you can save

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