Sunday, May 2, 2010

Haiti In The Past (2006) And Present

Pre-Earthquake Conditions:
Many of the human rights are broken regularly in Haiti, locking the country into a cycle of endless poverty. 1 out of every 4 children will not make it past their first birthday. Haitians without anyway to make consistent money have the children forced onto the street to do low, menial odd jobs. They often join gangs, which lead to continuous abuse, violence, and prostitution. The street children are promised work, care, and food, in which they never receive. Others are sent to the Dominican Republic through trafficking, in which the conditions worsen. Without any rest the children have no time for an education, which is needed to be successful throughout life. Without the education, 2 out of every 3 Haitians live below the poverty line. Education and healthcare are also difficult to obtain, as most places are rundown, overcrowded, poorly maintained, and under-resourced. Healthcare is also barely available due to distance and cost. Only 41 percent of children under 5 with diarrhea get rehydration and properly fed. Haiti is one of the world’s leading countries with HIV/AIDS. With the low amount of healthcare comes inadequately sanitation. With an improved government , president Preval will ensure a new future for Haiti.

Post-Earthquake Conditions:
In 2010 a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck devastation into Haiti. This was one of the worst natural disasters in over 200 years. Do to the poor building requirements and poor building safety, the quake killed tens of thousands. After the earthquake the problems such as poverty and inadequate services such have intensified. Many buildings lay in rubble as well as thousands of bodies. Although many countries have tried to help Haiti recover in its time of crisis, Haiti still remains struggling in its financial and health problems. With the majority of Haitians not receiving proper care, the 1% french speaking minority population control about half of all of the money in Haiti. Because of deforestation in Haiti, its is prone to regular flooding. Haiti also lies in a region where earthquakes occur frequently, causing Haiti to fall further into the poverty trap, after trying to rebuild.

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